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Classroom Information

Below you will find details for important kindergarten classroom topics.



If you have a note or excuse for a day that your child was absent please send it to or send it in your child's planner.

Please try to send in notes/excuses within 1 week from absence.

My Payments Plus - the program for student-related expenditures (bus transportation, field trips, athletics, technology payments, etc.)

Apple A Day Catering

All LUNCH payments will go through the Apple A Day website. Lincoln Charter will no longer process or accept payments for lunches.

Student of the Day - (Begins in September)

We will send home a monthly calendar.  The calendar will have your childs name listed on a certain day.  On that day your child is asked to bring in a book of their choice for Mrs. Brooks to read to the class.  They will also get to help the teacher with different tasks throughout the day.  Please note that names will get shuffled around to try and match days to birthdays.


We LOVE celebrating birthdays!!  Each student will receive a birthday crown, a special personalized gift, a visit to the treasure box, and we will sing the birthday song.  

We do ask that any treats brought in for the class be non-food items. One great idea that has come up was bringing in a wrapped book for the birthday boy/girl to unwrap and donate to the class with a special note written in the front cover from the child (If the parent could come to lunch that day, they would read it to the class).  


Some other great ideas are: stickers, pencils, parent comes and reads to the class, coloring books, dollar store trinkets, sidewalk chalk, & mini playdoh containers.  If you have any other non-food related ideas you'd like to try, please let me know.


Due to the growing number of food allergies, please talk to your child about not sharing food with others during snack and lunch time. Please note: Our school will have treats during some fundraiser events.  (Example: Pizza and/or popsicles during Track Attack.)  

Please let teachers know if your child has any food and/or other allergies that we should be aware of.


Remember to pack your child a healthy snack and water bottle each day.  Let your child know where to find their snack in their backpack.  It works great to have it separately in the front pocket if possible.  Also, water bottles should only contain water.


Class Rules

See picture to the left for the class rules and copy of a Think Sheet. 

A copy of the rules are in your child's folder.

Behavior Management

"Think Sheets" - A way to document behavior in our classroom.  If your child brings home a "think sheet" it is because one of more of our rules have been broken.  Our rules are put in place to allow a safe and caring learning environment for all of our students.  Please use the "think sheets" as a learning experience.  Motivating students with non-tangible items or verbal praise at home is a great way to follow-up with what we are trying to accomplish at school.  If your child does not bring home a "think sheet" then they had a great day, so be sure to celebrate with them because our days are long!


Behaviors that will lead straight to the office - Biting, fighting, hitting, spitting on someone, kicking others, choking others, defacing property, public display of private parts or asking others to look or see, bullying, pushing others, and any other behaviors deemed inappropriate and dangerous.


We also use a Blurt Dot Chart.  This chart is to help the students monitor their voice. They get 3 blurt dots every day.  Once they remove all 3 within the day then they receive a "think sheet".

Please note:  I am usually able to manage simple behaviors within the classroom and I feel it's great to talk to your child daily about their behavior at school and how it may have hindered their learning or other students learning.  If for any reason I feel the behavior is something greater, please know I will call home to discuss an action plan.


Please communicate with us about how your child will be traveling home.  If you have a normal routine that changes a few days a week (ex: Car rider - Mon/Wed, Bus Rider - Tue/Thur/Fri) please send us an email or write it in your childs planner and we will make note of it within the classroom.


Should you have an unexpected change in transporation - please let us know via email, phone call to front office, or writing it in your childs planner (if you know prior to arrival that day).


Please try to let us know of any changes prior to 2pm.  Also, please always email both teachers.  See Contact tab above for both teachers email addresses.


Newsletter will come home weekly.  Please read the newsletter for announcements, important dates, reminders, and to know what we have been learning in class that week.

Elementary Dress Code

Please visit the website below for LCS elementary dress code specifics.

Field Trips

If you are planning on going on any of our field trips, please visit the front office and have your drivers license or personal identification card scanned into our Raptor system.  Please note that grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc will also have to be scanned into Raptor if they plan on joining us for a field trip.  I recommend doing this as soon as possible.

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